Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion. Shortly after the acquisition of Twitter, Musk left a tweet saying, "The bird is freed." This shows that he took over Twitter for "freedom of expression." The profile was also revised to "Chief Twit." Some observers said that Twitter, which has many fake accounts and has stopped growing, may have been bought too expensive. Elon Musk also seriously considered the Twitter fake account issue before the acquisition. However, he still saw the possibility of Twitter's growth.
Why did Elon Musk spend so much on Twitter, the center of controversy? He started a high-intensity reform, firing 4,400 irregular workers. According to Bloomberg News on Twitter, on the 14th, he attended a business summit with the G20 in Bali, Indonesia. He said, "I am working as much as I can and working seven days a week in the morning and evening," adding, "To be honest, it is extreme enough to torture myself." What Elon Musk wants to create day and night is known as the Twitter-based super app "X." Super app 'X' is expected to take the form of a messenger decentralized by block chain. X will include all kinds of app functions, such as a payment system, messenger, and video sharing
Some suggest that Elon Musk took over Twitter for political purposes. Musk took over Twitter and tweeted, "Pick the Republican Party," as if he had waited. Is it because of the nightmare of tweets that former U.S. President Trump is constantly spewing in the past? U.S. President Joe Biden expressed concern about Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter, saying, "Elon Musk went out and bought a means to send out lies and spew out lies throughout the world." Musk also hinted at the possibility of restoring accounts of users who had been retired executives in the past the acquisition of Twitter. Musk said, "Anyone suspended for trivial and suspicious reasons by forming a content management committee will be released from Twitter prison."

Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter has sparked great interest in Trump supporters. This is because the possibility of restoring Trump's Twitter account has increased. Trump was a twittering buff like Musk. The account was deleted after Trump supporters stormed into Congress on January 6, 2021. Trump insisted on 'presidential election fraud'. Trump posted a post saying Biden was elected by fraudulent elections. At the time, Twitter executives saw Trump's claims as false and encouraging violence. How does Elon Musk, who has become the new owner of Twitter, interprets Trump's past tweets about "Fraud elections"?
Elon Musk has made several remarks against Trump's candidacy while supporting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, dubbed "Little Trump." Asked on Twitter on June 15 to whom he wanted to vote, he replied, "Governor DeSantis appears to have won the primary." "Trump will be 82 years old by the end of his term, but he is too old to be the chief executive in anything, let alone the United States," Trump wrote in a tweet on July 11. If DeSantis runs against Biden in 2024, DeSantis will easily win, he said. Trump responded to Elon Musk, who opposes his candidacy for the 2024 presidential election, as a "bullshit artist."
Even if Twitter restores Trump's account, it remains to be seen whether Trump will return immediately. This is because Trump has already launched a platform called 'Truth Social' against Twitter censorship. Truss Social was first released on the Apple store, downloaded by more than 4 million people, and 2 million people use the app daily. Last month, registration permission was granted to the Google Play Store. The restoration of Twitter accounts is good news for Trump, but at the same time, Elon Musk's platform competition with Twitter has been put in place. This is why analysts say that Trump's return to Twitter will not be easy for the time being.

It is no exaggeration to say that the controversy over censorship within the platform is a global trend. Brazil's new government suspended three conservative politicians and many followers after President Jair Bolsonaro failed to serve a second term in the October 30 presidential election. Paulo Figueiredo Filho, a grandson of Joao Figueiredo, the last president of the Brazilian military regime, tweeted to Elon Musk, "Elon Musk, your company is imposing strict ideological censorship on the Brazilian people's right to freedom of expression."
Twitter's self-censorship is also a problem, but the government's demand for censorship on Twitter has also increased. According to the Twitter Transparency Report, between January and June 2021, Twitter received requests from each government to delete posts, with 196,878 accounts and 43,387 posts. Japan, Russia, Turkey, India, and South Korea accounted for 95 percent of the deletion requests.
2022.11.16 Alfred J Kim
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